Illuminating the Darkness: Simplifying the Complex

Areas of Specialization
Business & Competitive Intelligence
Arming best-in-class companies with sophisticated information-gathering programs to assess critical developments in industries and operating environments.
Investigations & Litigation Support
Conducting large-scale and personalized investigations to help better position clients for success in the courtroom, boardroom, or trading floor.
International Risk Assessment & Expert Advisory
Understanding the political and economic environments in which your business and targets operate is essential to mitigating risks and identifying opportunities.
Strategic Crisis Consulting
Leveraging time-tested expertise across industries, issues and geographies to best advise and advocate for clients in crisis.
Due Diligence
Vetting information is critical to making sound business decisions in today’s economy, mitigating the risks of global business hires, partners and ventures.
Security & Preparedness
Ensuring resilience by preparing for, and defending against, the foremost risks impacting business operations - ranging from natural disasters to terrorism.
Intelligence for the Wealth Management Community
Providing on-demand access to bespoke global intelligence. Learn more.
Access Intelligence You Can Use Today
Stay abreast of global risks and make informed decisions.